Oct 3, 2009

Something different

Here's some different renders compared to the usual stuff. A little bit NSFW but never the less not completely 18+, for the first two only thou last two are SFW. Probably.

Oct 2, 2009

P3 and P4 Renders

Persona 3 and 4 renders. In the following order they are, Naoto, Hermes, and the rest are P3's MC followed by P4's protagonist. Last two are gender benders btw.

Oct 1, 2009

Random renders

Heres another three renders though none of them have anything similar to one another. Enjoy.

Sep 30, 2009

Armored Maidens... kinda

Here's three pics two of which are armored females and a ninja for the last. First one i believe is Agrias from FFT while 2nd is an artist's original i believe, last is a a girl from Negima forgot her name.

Sep 28, 2009

Yay double post.

Well theres nothing to be posted just general info that you should probably read regarding the recent "tests" and changes that i've been making. as you can see i've applied a total of 3 ads and linkbucks. Linkbucks will ONLY APPEAR 3 TIMES after which it will no longer appear for you (resets every day or 24 hrs). Besides you can skip them anyways and on another change i've placed a link to RightStuf which is a "source for Japanese Animation videos and merchandise" as stated on their side. Last but not least is the renders that i've been putting up, if there's something you want to be rendered let me know and i'll probably put in more effort than i did with most of these(ie. not doing them at 2 or 3 a.m when i should be asleep). The "lightbox" which is used in various sites, would not allow you to save the image (probably due to poor coding) but i'll leave the decision up to you guys. vote on the poll to the left. That was a long rant.

Its a blaze of renders

Here's a massive BlazBlu render update. Not to happy with a few but some of those arn't too visible so it's okay... i guess. See if you can tell the difference between the look alike. Excuse the pun, i'm bored.

Sep 27, 2009


Here's another three renders, two of the girl from Mabinogi and the last one i don't remember where its from.